
South African National Liquor Policy

SAAPA applauds the South African Government for adopting a progressive national liquor policy which provides the framework for introducing stricter advertising and marketing regulations; increasing liability of manufacturers, suppliers and traders; restricting trading hours; etc… Click here to find out more.

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Norwegian NGO campaign: Divest from the alcohol industry

The Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global has invested around 10 billion US Dollars in multinational alcohol corporations. “This has to stop”, is the message from a campaign by Norwegian civil society organisations that was launched in Oslo yesterday. The main claim of the campaign is that investing in alcohol companies is incompatible with the overarching …

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FORUT granted Consultative Status at ECOSOC

“A very welcome decision which makes it possible to widen and strengthen FORUT’s collaboration with the United Nations”, says Secretary General of FORUT, Morten Lønstad, in a comment to the fact that FORUT has been granted Special Consultative Status at ECOSOC. The link address is:

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The Globe: New design, new format

The Globe, the magazine of the Global Alcohol Policy Alliance, has been published with its first issue in a new format and design. The most important change is that the magazine will now be available only in a digital version. The link address is:

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Alcohol industry afraid of losing their health image, adopts new and offensive strategies

The alcohol industry is afraid of losing their health image,WHO health initiatives make them fear for their lives and they intercept national policies to protect their own interests. This is documented in an in-depth article in the Wall Street Journal. The link address is:

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Abigail Ramokoena: our poetry winner on SAAPA and Vic Falls

As a run up to its forum held in Livingstone, Zambia from 11-14 July 2016, SAAPA held a poetry competition and invited young people from across the region to enter and stand a chance of attending the forum. Abigail Ramokoena (19) from Lesotho emerged the winner. She reflects on her experience of winning the competition, …

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