
Can Heineken become distribution support of health services and products without promoting itself?

The alcohol industry has done it yet again. DAVOS-2018, the platform for big business access to governments, was used to announce a partnership between the Global Fund (combatting HIV AIDS, TB and malaria) and brewing giant Heineken. Heineken – the very same company exposed in Olivier van Beemen’s book, Heineken in Africa, to have relationships …

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Fool Me Twice

With tactics perfected by the tobacco industry over the last 50 years, multinational food, beverage and alcohol companies are working to deter, delay and derail policies that save millions of lives. Let’s not be fooled again. Multinational food, soda and alcohol giants are employing the same tactics that made tobacco a pariah in the global …

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[Press Release] Victory for the constitutional right to be consulted on alcohol trading within communities

Response to the judgement in the Johannesburg High Court on 1 November 2017 in the Gauteng Shebeen License Regulations case The Yeoville Bellevue Ratepayers Association (YBRA) and the Southern African Alcohol Policy Alliance (SAAPA) welcome the ruling made by Justice Matojane in the Johannesburg High Court today, 1 November 2017, in favour of the YBRA, …

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SAB cops flak over #SheLovesBeer campaign

The Southern African Alcohol Policy Alliance (SAAPA) has slammed South African Breweries (SAB) “She Loves Beer” campaign. While the campaign seeks to celebrate and promote women in the brewing industry, SAAPA is concerned that the campaign targets young women, particularly in light of the highest number of reported cases of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in …

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How much beer does a woman like?

On the eve of the world commemorating foetal alcohol spectrum disorder, SAB ironically chose to launch a “She loves beer” campaign. Foetal Alcohol Spectrum disorder (FASD) affects children whose mothers drank during their pregnancy. The facts are clear. Children with FASD are born with low birthweight, smaller skull and other physical symptoms which they never …

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Calls mount to boycott SAB’s campaign against hunger

The South African Breweries, together with Stop Hunger Now SA, has launched a Beer for Africa eight-pack in order to feed hungry students across the continent. But while the campaign is aimed at feeding hungry students and apparently not to make a profit for SAB, other organisations have called the initiative “irresponsible” and are urging …

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