
[Podcast] The cold-blooded shooting of seven patrons in two Khayelitsha liquor outlets on Wednesday and Friday night last week

Following the cold-blooded shooting of seven patrons in two Khayelitsha liquor outlets on Wednesday and Friday night last week. The Khayelitsha Health Forum and the Southern African Alcohol Policy Alliance want the Liquor Authority to relook at the number of licenses to sell alcohol in Khayelitsha and they also want better policing and closing down …

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[Press Release] End alcohol advertising in sport

Today organisations and countries across the world observe No Alcohol Day. WHO Afro region will also gather in Johannesburg to deliberate the implementation of the Global Alcohol Strategy of 2010 by countries on the continent. And across the oceans public health advocates and researchers are gathering in Melbourne to share emerging evidence on health outcomes …

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[Press Release] #educationisnotenough

The President’s response to the link to alcohol and GBV is a step backward for the country. In 2011 the Inter-ministerial committee on substance abuse accepted international evidence and WHO recommendations on more restrictive legislation of marketing, pricing and retailing as best buys to reduce the harm of alcohol to society and the economy. Education …

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[Research] The ‘nanny state’ and free choice

When the new Constitution was drafted in post-apartheid South Africa, the notion of ‘free choice’ was integral to its framing. Not surprising, given the extent to which the apartheid government attempted to control every aspect of every South African’s life. However, free market protagonists like Ron Cregan (Daily Maverick, 21 May 2019) continually subvert the …

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SAAPA applaudes WHO’s prioritisation of public health

The Southern African Alcohol Policy Alliance (SAAPA) applauds the WHO for its global leadership in prioritising the promotion of public health. In particular, SAAPA welcomes the WHO’s recent ground-breaking announcement that, in the process of developing its policies and implementing its programmes, it will not consult with or enter into partnerships with the alcohol industry. …

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