
How easy access to alcohol, and adverts, affect women in South Africa

Public health research suggests that concerns about alcohol advertising and accessibility warrant strong regulatory action. Alcohol is a major contributor to the global burden of disease. It’s also a key risk factor for preventable illness and death in Africa. For example, alcohol consumption during pregnancy is associated with many adverse effects on children. These include …

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Drink Responsibly vs Serve Responsibly

Advertising which appeals to young people who are anti-establishment and a lack of enforced guidelines for retail, plays a major role in alcohol consumption among young people. According to Soul City Institute for Social Justice young people have admitted that alcohol advertisements entice them to drink and that young people’s views on alcohol advertising, marketing …

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Aadielah Maker Diedericks – Cape Times24 Apr 2018

Sometimes I think I read from a different script. I understood that sport is an outlet that promotes one’s physical and mental health and is good for developing social skills. That’s why for the past 12 years I have been running around driving my kids to get to practise, to get to the game and …

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